Fe fydd y disgyblion sy’n canu yn y dref yfory yn aros yn yr ysgol yn hytrach nag yn mynd adref am 3.15pm yfory. Fe fydd y staff yn eu hebrwng i Sgwâr Daniel Owen ble y byddant yn canu am 3.45pm. Gofynnwn i chi gasglu eich plentyn o Sgwâr Daniel Owen am 4pm oni bai eich bod wedi nodi eu bod i fynd i’r clwb ar ôl ysgol. Diolch. The pupils who are singing in town tomorrow will be staying in school and not be going home at 3.15pm tomorrow. The staff will accompany them to the Daniel Owen Square where they will be singing at 3.45pm. We ask that you collect your child from the Daniel Owen Square at 4pm unless you have noted that your child is to attend the after school club. Thank you.