Mae’r Cyngor Ysgol wedi penderfynu codi arian tuag at Ymchwil Cancr ac Apel Seiclon Idai yfory, Dydd Gwener, Ebrill 11eg. Mi fydd y disgyblion yn cael gwisgo dillad eu hunain a gofynnwn yn garedig am gyfraniad o £1 am hyn. Yn ogystal bydd cystadleuaeth enwi tegan i’r Meithrin/Derbyn ac i Flwyddyn 1/2. Mi fydd CA2 yn cynnal cystadleuaeth i ddyfalu y nifer o fferins mewn jar. Mi fydd yn costio 50c i gymryd rhan ym mhob cystadleuaeth. Diolch o flaen llaw am eich cefnogaeth.
The School Council has decided to raise money for Cancer Research and the Idai Cyclone Appeal tomorrow, Friday, April 11th. Pupils will be allowed to wear their own clothes and we kindly ask for a donation of £1 for this. Also, the Nursery/Reception class and Year 1/2 will have the opportunity to participate in a competition to name a teddy. KS2 pupils will be able to participate in a competiton to guess the number of sweets in a jar. All competitons will have a participation cost of 50p. Many thanks in advance for your support.