Diolch o galon i bawb am eu cefnogaeth i’r ymgyrch Pawen Lawen ar gyfer Plant mewn Angen. Codwyd y swm ANHYGOEL o £952. Gwych!! Diolch hefyd i blant y Cyngor Ysgol am eu gwaith.
(Cofiwch nad ydy hi rhy hwyr i yrru Pawen Lawen Pudsey fory os yw dal adre gennych).
Thank you to each and every one of you that supported the Pawen Lawen campaign!! We raised an astounding amount of £952 for Children in Need!!! Fantastic!!! Also a big thank you to the children on the School Council for their work.
(Remember – it’s not too late to send in Pudsey’s Paw tomorrow if you still have yours at home).