Cafwyd dau wasanaeth Diolchgarwch hyfryd heddiw. Diolch i’r holl ddisgyblion, staff ac hefyd i’r Parchedig Huw Powell Davies am eu gwaith caled. Cofiwch – os hoffech gyfrannu at ein helusen eleni sef Cŵn Tywys i’r Deillion mae posib i chi dal yrru cyfraniad i’r ysgol fory neu Ddydd Gwener. Diolch i chi am eich haelioni.
We had two wonderful Thanksgiving services today. Thank you to the pupils, staff and the Reverend Huw Powell Davies for their hard work. Please remember if you wish to contribute to our chosen charity this year which is Guide Dogs for the Blind you are very welcome to still send contributions in tomorrow or Friday. Than you very much for your generosity!!