Dyddiad Cau Cofrestru / Registering Closing Date

Bore da bawb,

Gobeithio eich bod chi gyd yn cadw’n iawn yn y tywydd oer yma!

Dim ond nodyn sydyn gen i i’ch atgoffa am ddyddiad cau cofrestru holl gystadlaethau Dawns ac Offerynnol, sydd Ddydd Llun nesa’, 22ain o Ionawr.

Ga i ofyn yn garedig i chi sy’n bwriadu cystadlu mewn cystadleuaeth/au Dawns neu/ac Offerynnol a heb gofrestru eto, i chi wneud cyn gynted a phosib os gwelwch yn dda.

Linciau defnyddiol:

Ymaelodi – https://www.urdd.cymru/cy/ymuno/

Cofrestru i gystadlu – https://www.urdd.cymru/cy/eisteddfod/2024/cystadlu-yn-eisteddfod-yr-urdd-2024/

Rhestr Testunau – https://www.urdd.cymru/cy/eisteddfod/2024/rhestr-testunau/

Hawlfraint a Chanllawiau – https://www.urdd.cymru/cy/eisteddfod/2024/hawlfraint-chanllawiau/

Os oes unrhyw broblem yn codi, plis cysylltwch hefo fi.


Good morning everyone,

I hope you’re all keeping well and warm in this cold weather!

Just a quick note from me to remind everyone that the registration closing date for all Dance and Instrumental competitions is on Monday, 22nd of January.

Can I kindly ask that if you intend on competing in any Dance or/and Instrumental competition and haven’t registered yet, that you do so as soon as it’s possible please.

Useful links:

Membership – https://www.urdd.cymru/en/join/

Register to compete – https://www.urdd.cymru/en/eisteddfod/2024/cystadlu-yn-eisteddfod-yr-urdd-2024/

Syllabus – https://www.urdd.cymru/en/eisteddfod/2024/rhestr-testunau/

Copyright and Guidelines – https://www.urdd.cymru/en/eisteddfod/2024/cystadlu-yn-eisteddfod-yr-urdd-2024/copyright-guidelines/

If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact me.



Guto Jones

Urdd Gobaith Cymru

