Gweler yr amserlen ar gyfer Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Mae’n siwr erbyn hyn eich bod wedi derbyn manylion cystadleuaeth eich plentyn drwy Porth yr Urdd.
Rhai pethau pwysig :-
- Cynhelir yr Eisteddfod yn Ninbych ac fe fydd arwyddion ffordd i’ch arwain i’r le cywir.
- Cofiwch – mae’n gallu bod yn brysur, felly gadewch digon o amser i’ch siwrne.
- Pob plentyn i wisgo gwisg ysgol ar gyfer cystadlu os gwelwch yn dda.
- Cyfrifoldeb chi fel rhieni ydy archebu tocyn er mwyn i’ch plentyn gystadlu.
- Mae’r Urdd yn annog i bob cystadleydd fod wrth y pafiliwn cywir rhwng hanner awr ag awr cyn i’r gystadleuaeth gychwyn.
- Bydd holl eitemau’r ysgol yn cael y cyfle i berfformio o flaen yr ysgol wythnos nesaf.
- Mae gwahoddiad i rieni y Cor ddod i’r ysgol Dydd Mawrth am 3.45 i glywed y cor, a rhieni plant y Gan Actol i ddod am 4.15 Dydd Mercher.
Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiwn, cofiwch gysylltu gyda ni.
Please see attached the timetable for the Urdd Eisteddfod. You have probably now received your child’s competition details via the Urdd Porth.
Some important things: –
- The Eisteddfod will be held in Denbigh and will be signposted.
- Remember – it can be busy, so allow plenty of time for your journey.
- All children to wear school uniform when competing please.
- It is your responsibility as parents to book a ticket for your child to compete.
Please follow link.
- The Urdd encourages all competitors to be at the correct pavilion around 30minutes/1 hour before the competition starts.
- All competitions that are representing the school will have the opportunity to perform in front of the whole school next week.
- Parents whom have children in the choir are invited to school Tuesday at 3.45 pm to see them perform, and parents whom have children in the Can Actol are invited to come in at 4.15 on Wednesday.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.