Peidiwch â cholli allan!
Symudwch yn gyflym i gael aelodaeth am bris gostyngol!
- Unigolion: £8 cyn hanner nos 9 Ionawr (£10 wedi hynny)
- Teulu (aelodaeth i dri neu fwy o blant): £20 cyn hanner nos 9 Ionawr (£25 wedi hynny)
I ymaelodi ar-lein yn syth neu am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i’n gwefan yma.
Gydag aelodaeth yr Urdd bydd eich plentyn yn gallu:
- Cymryd rhan mewn cystadlaethau a thwrnameintiau chwaraeon, gan gynnwys pêl-droed, pêl-rwyd, nofio, pêl-fasged gynhwysol, a rygbi 7-bob-ochr
- Gwneud atgofion newydd a chyfarfod ffrindiau newydd wrth fynd i weithgareddau a digwyddiadau gyda’r Adran neu Aelwyd leol
- Bod yn rhan o un o wyliau ieuenctid mwyaf Ewrop wrth gystadlu yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd
- Ymweld â rhannau newydd o’r byd ar deithiau tramor gyda staff profiadol
- Ennill profiadau gwerthfawr wrth wirfoddoli gyda ni
- I’r rheiny rhwng 14 a 25 oed, mae’r Fforwm Ieuenctid yn gyfle i drafod y materion sy’n bwysig i bobl ifanc heddiw
Don’t forget to join!
Dont miss out on the early bird discounted price!
- Individual: £8 before midnight 9 January (£10 thereafter)
- Family (membership for three or more children): £20 before midnight 9 January (£25 thereafter)
Visit the website here to find out more and for answers to any questions you may have.
With their Urdd membership they will be able to:
- Take part in sports competitions and tournaments including football, netball, swimming, inclusive basketball, and rugby 7s
- Make new memories and meet new friends by attending local Urdd events
- Be a part of one of Europe’s largest youth festivals by competing at the Urdd Eisteddfod
- Travel abroad and visit new places with friends on overseas trips with our experienced staff
- Gain valuable experiences by volunteering with us
- For those between 14 and 25 years of age, the Urdd Youth Forum provides a platform for our young members to discuss the issues that matter to them