Blwyddyn newydd dda i bawb.
Wele’r llythyr anfonwyd atoch ar 18.12.20.
Os oes rhiant o fewn y teulu sy’n weithiwr/wyr allweddol (gweler canllaw’r Cynulliad) fydd yn galluogi i’w plant fynychu’r ysgol yn ystod y cyfnod 06-08.01.21, mae rhaid eu cofrestru ar schoolcomms cyn gynted ag sydd bosib os gwelwch yn dda, gan fod y system gofrestru yn cau am hanner nos, ddydd Sul, Ionawr 3ydd. 2021.
Gofynnir i rieni sy’n weithwyr allweddol, gyflwyno tystiolaeth oddi wrth eu cyflogwr yn cadarnhau eu statws os gwelwch yn dda – os na wnaed hynny eisoes wrth gwrs.
Happy new year to you all.
Please see the letter sent to you on 18.12.20.
If there is a parent in the household who is a key worker (see attached Welsh Assembly Guidance) enabling the children to attend school between 06 – 08.01.21, they must be registered on schoolcomms as soon as possible please, as the system closes at midnight on Sunday, January 3rd. 2021.
The parents who are key workers are asked to send evidence of their status from their employer please – if this has not already been done of course.
Llawer o ddiolch – Many thanks.