Bore da, Gobeithio cawsoch hanner tymor da o dan yr amgylchiadau! Fel y gwyddoch mae’r Urdd yn cynnig gweithgareddau ar-lein i holl blant Cymru ac wythnos yma byddwn yn creu Torch Pabi. A fyddai modd i chi rannu’r neges isod allan gyda’ch rhieni o.g.y.dda? *Yr Awr Fawr : D – Nos Lun 5 – 6 Yr Awr Fawr – Nos Fawrth 5 – 6 YR AWR FAWR – Creu Torch Pabi Wythnos yma, byddwn yn defnyddio hen boteli pop i greu torch o flodau pabi at ddydd Sul y cofio. Bydd angen poteli pop plastig meintiau amrywiol, paent lliw coch, gwyrdd a du, siswrn, cortyn a hen ‘hanger’ dillad gwifren. Dim ots os nad yw’r pethau yma gyda chi, cewch chi greu rywbeth gwahanol! #YrAwrFawr *Yr Awr Fawr : D ar gyfer plant di-gymraeg Diolch o flaen llaw am eich cefnogaeth parhaol. Darren |
Good morning, Hope you have all had a good half term under the circumstances! As you know the Urdd is offering online activities for all children in Wales and this week we will be creating a Poppy Torch. Would you mind sharing the message below with your parents please? *Yr Awr Fawr : D – Monday night 5 – 6 Yr Awr Fawr – Tuesday night 5 – 6 Yr Awr Awr – Create a Poppy Wreath This week, we will be using old pop bottles to make a wreath of poppy flowers for Remembrance Sunday. You will need plastic pop bottles of various sizes, red, green and black colored paint, scissors, string and an old wire clothes hanger. No matter if you don’t have these things, you can create something different! #HourAddress *Yr Awr Fawr : D is for welsh learner and those that don’t speak Welsh. Diolch beforehand for your continued support. Darren |