PLIS dewch i gefnogi. Tocynnau ar gael o Swyddfa’r ysgol. Bydd raffl hefyd ar werth.
Disgyblion sy’n cymeryd rhan i gyrraedd erbyn 5.20 a mynd syth i’w sedd os gwelwch yn dda. Byddant yn eistedd efo’i gilydd fel cor.
Mae croeso i chi barcio ar y buarth. Defnyddiwch y drws cefn i ddod mewn i’r Neuadd os gwelwch yn dda.
PLEASE come and support the evening. Tickets available from the office. There will also be a raffle
All pupils that are taking part to come to the school hall by 5.20 please. They will be sitting together as a choir.
You can park on the school yard. Please use the door at the back of the school hall please.