Yn anffodus, mae wedi dod i’n sylw fod rhai o’r disgyblion iau, ar ddiwedd diwrnod ysgol, wedi bod yn chwarae gydag offer yn ardal y Blynyddoedd Cynnar a hefyd dinistrio planhigion a blodau yn yr ardd. Nodwyd yn y cylchlythyr diweddar fod yna blant bach yn crwydro a dringo ar ben eitemau uchel o gwmpas yr ysgol ar ddiwedd y dydd. Mae hyn yn digwydd yn bennaf ar ôl 3 o’r gloch pan mae plant yn aros am eu brodyr neu chwiorydd hŷn ac hynny heb goruwchwyliaeth oedolyn.Pryderwn am ddiogelwch y plant, a gofynnir i BAWB sicrhau nad yw’r rhai bach yn mynd i grwydro ac eu bod nhw’n aros gyda chi fel rhieni. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi gadw llygad barcud ar eich plant yn ystod y cyfnod yma gan gymeryd i ystyriaeth hefyd fod disgyblion yr Adran Iau dal yn eu dosbarthiadau tan 3.15. Hoffwn hefyd petai chi’n gallu rhannu’r neges yma gydag neiniau a theidiau, perthnasau neu ffrindiau sy’n casglu eich plentyn/plant o’r ysgol. Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.
Unfortunately, we have been made aware that some younger pupils, at the end of the school day, have been playing with the Early Years’ equipment and also destroying some plants and flowers in our school garden. It was noted in the recent newsletter that there are small children wandering and climbing onto high objects around the school at the end of the day. This mainly happens when children are waiting for their older brothers and sisters, and children tend to wonder and play without adult supervision.We worry for the safety of the children, and we ask that EVERYONE ensures that the younger children stay with you as parents. We kindly ask that you please keep a close eye on your child/children during this quarter of an hour by also taking into consideration that the Juniors Department are still in class until 3.15.Could we also ask that you pass this message on to grandparents, other members of the family or friends that collect your child/children from school. Thank-you for your co-operation.