Cofiwch am ein Bore Cacennau i’r disgyblion a Pnawn Coffi i chi fel rhieni Dydd Llun nesaf, Hydref 3ydd – manylion ar y poster. Cost cacen i’r plant fydd 50c a byddai cael y newid cywir yn help mawr i ni.
Byddem yn hynod o ddiolchgar am unrhyw gyfraniadau o gacennau ar gyfer y diwrnod. (Os ydych yn gyrru bocs i gario y cacennau i’r ysgol efo’ch plentyn, gofalwch fod enw a Dosbarth eich plentyn wedi ei labelu yn glir arno).
Yn y prynhawn, fe fydd raffl ar werth a hoffwn ddiolch i staff yr ysgol am gyfaniadau tuag at y raffl. Os nad ydych yn gallu bod yn bresennol ond hoffech gyfrannu neu prynu tocyn raffl, gyrrwch arian mewn amlen gyda’ch plentyn.
PWYSIG – Os oes gan eich plentyn alergedd neu unrhyw anghenion deietegol, mae croeso i chi yrru cacennau penodol ar eu cyfer nhw. Hoffwn eich atgoffa ein bod yn ysgol ddi-gnau.
Gobeithio y cawn ddiwrnod llwyddiannus llawn hwyl a chymdeithasu gan godi arian ar yr un pryd ar gyfer elusen mor arbennig.
Don’t forget our Cake Morning for the pupils and Coffee Afternoon for you as parents next Monday, October 3rd – details on the poster.The cost will be 50p for the children and having the right change would help us a lot.
We would be extremely grateful for any donations of cakes for the day. (If you are sending a box or container into school with your child, make sure your child’s name and Class are clearly labelled on it).
In the afternoon, there will also be a raffle and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the school staff for their donations towards the raffle. If you are unable to attend but would like to donate or purchase a raffle ticket, please send money in an envelope with your child.
IMPORTANT – If your child has an allergy or any dietary needs, feel free to send cakes for them. I would like to remind you that we are a nut-free school.
We hope we have a successful day full of fun and socialising whilst raising money for such a special charity.