Noson Agored HENO 3.30 – 5.00 Parents Evening TONIGHT

Bydd cyfle i chi weld dosbarth a chyfarfod athro/athrawes eich plentyn a gweld arddangosfeydd amrywiol yn y Neuadd – gweler isod. Bydd Mr Gareth Jones, ein ANCO (Arweinydd Anghenion Ychwanegol) ac Mrs Ceri Kinglsey Williams (ELSA tan 4.30yh)  hefyd ar gael am sgwrs. 

Os gwelwch yn dda, dewch mewn i’r ysgol drwy’r Brif Fynedfa, Drws y Neuadd neu’r hen Brif Fynedfa – y drws gwyrdd.  Ni fyddwn yn caniatau i rieni ddod mewn i’r dosbarthiadau drwy’r pods na’r drysau allanol y dosbarthiadau. 
CLWB – Gan fod hi’n noson agored yn y Neuadd, fe fydd angen casglu plant clwb o’r buarth os gwelwch yn dda.  

A chance for you to see your child’s class and meet your child’s teacher. There will also be various displays in the school hall – please see below.  Our Anco(Additional Needs Co-ordinator), Mr Gareth Jones and Mrs Ceri Kingsley Williams (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant until 4.30pm)  will also be available for a chat if you would like to see them. 

Please enter the school via the Main Entrance, School Hall or the old Main Entrance – the green door or the school hall. We will not be allowing parents into the classes through the pods or the external class doors.

CLUB – As it is open evening in the school hall, the club children will need to be collected from the yard please. 


pdf icon Noson-Agored.pdf