Cofiwch fod plant dosbarthiadau Meithrin, Derbyn, Blwyddyn 1 & 2 yn mynd i weld y panto yfory, dydd Mercher, Ionawr 8fed. Byddant yn gadael yr ysgol am 9.15am a gofynnwn iddynt wisgo eu gwisg ysgol. Bydd yr ysgol yn prynu lolipop iâ i’r disgyblion a byddant yn bwyta eu cinio ar ôl dychwelyd i’r ysgol am tua 12.45.
Gan obeithio y caiff pawb amser i’w gofio.
Just to remind you that Nursery, Reception Years 1 & 2 pupils will be going to the panto tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th.They will be leaving school at 9.15 am and need to be in their school uniform. School will be buying ice lollies for the pupils and they will be eating their lunch when they return to school at about 12.45.
Hoping that they all have a memorable time.