- Caiff y disgyblion wisgo pyjamas neu gwisg ffansi a gofynnwn am gyfraniad o £1 os gwlewch yn dda.
- Mae Blwyddyn 6 yn hynod o gyffrous ar gyfer y bore. Gweler rhai o’r stondinau fydd ar gael. Hoffwn bwysleisio mae syniadau y plant ydy rhain a byddai rhoi cefnogaeth iddynt yn wych.
- Arian Mân ar gyfer stondinau Blwyddyn 6. Gofynnwn yn garedig am ddarnau arian 10c, 20c a 50 c os gwelwch yn dda.
- Rydym yn ymwybodol fod rhai plant efo alergeddau a bydd pob athro/athrawes efo ei rhestr ac yn cadw golwg., Os nad ydych eisiau i’ch plentyn gymeryd rhan mewn unrhyw beth penodol, cysylltwch gyda athro/athrawes ddosbarth eich plentyn.
- Bydd Bl 6 a Dosbarth Tegeirian dal yn mynd i nofio fory felly cofiwch am hyn wrth feddwl beth fydd y plant yn wisgo i‘r ysgol.
Pupils may wear pyjamas or fancy dress to school and we kindly ask for a contribution of £1 please.
Year 6 are extremely excited for the morning. Please see some of the stalls/games that will be available. We would like to emphasize that these are the children’s ideas and to show them support would be great.
We kindly ask for 10p, 20p and 50 p coins please for the stalls/games.
We are aware that some children have allergies and every teacher will have their list and keep track. If you do not want your child to participate in anything specific, contact your child’s teacher.
Year 6 and Dosbarth Tegeirian will still be going swimming tomorrow so please consider this in regards to what the children will be wearing to school.