Mae neges bwysig wedi mynd ar broffil SeeSaw eich plentyn ar ddechrau’r wythnos ynglŷn â threfniadau SeeSaw ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn.
Wrth i’r flwyddyn addysgol ddod i glo bydd cyfle nawr i chi fel rhieni lawrlwytho proffil SeeSaw eich plentyn. Gobeithio bydd hyn o werth i chi ac yn ffordd dda o gofio’r cyfnod clo mewn blynyddoedd i ddod.
Er mwyn gwneud hyn mae’n rhaid dilyn y linc sydd wedi cael ei yrru ar broffil SeeSaw eich plentyn mor fuan â phosib.
Diolch am eich holl gefnogaeth a gwaith caled yn ystod y cyfnod anodd yma.
Tîm y Cyfnod Sylfaen
An important message regarding yourchild’s end of year SeeSaw profile has gone out on SeeSaw at the start of this week.
As we approach the end of term, parents will now be given the opportunity to download and save their child’s work from their SeeSaw profile. Hopefully you will find this useful and a way of documenting these last few months.
In order to do this you must follow the link that has gone out in your child’s inbox on SeeSaw as soon as possible.
Thank you for all of your had work and support over these difficult times.
Foundation Phase team