Braf iawn oedd croesawu rhai o ddisgyblion Dosbarth Derbyn, Blwyddyn 2 a 4 i’r ysgol heddiw. Diolch yn fawr iawn i’r mwyafrif o rieni a phlant sydd wedi dilyn canllawiau yr ysgol wrth ddod a’ch plentyn i’r ysgol. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi gofio rhai pethau os gwelwch yn dda :-
1) Mae’n hanfodol eich bod yn dod a’ch plentyn i’r drws/fynedfa ble fydd yr aelod o staff yn cyfarfod eich plentyn ac yn cymeryd ei tymheredd.
2) Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi beidio ymgynnull ar dir yr ysgol ac wrth y mynedfeydd/giatiau i sgwrsio. Mae’n anodd iawn i bobl/plant fynd heibio (gan gadw at y rheol 2 fetr) os oes criw wedi ymgynnull.
3) Cofiwch fod angen ceisio cadw at y rheolau ymbellhau cymdeithasol pan ar dir yr ysgol ac o gwmpas yr ysgol. Mae hyn i ddiogelu chi fel rhieni, diogelu y plant a ninnau fel staff.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cydweithrediad.
It was wonderful to welcome pupils from Reception, Year 2 and 4 to school today. Thank you to the majority of parents for following the guidelines from school. Here is a gentle reminder of a few things :-
1) It is essential that you bring your child to the specific door/entrance please to meet the teacher and so that your child can have their temperature taken.
2) We kindly ask that you do not congregate on the school premises and by school entrances and gates please. This makes it very difficult for people/children to pass (and also keep to the 2metre rule).
3) Please remember that everyone needs to keep to the 2 metre social distancing rule when on the school premises or around the school. This is to safeguard you as parents, the children and us as staff.
Thank-you for your co-operataion.