Er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth o Wythnos Gwrth Fwlio wythnos yma, gofynnir i holl ddisgyblion ddod i’r ysgol Dydd Mercher yma, Tachwedd 14eg yn gwisgo sanau od!! Maent dal angen gwisgo eu gwisg ysgol ond gyda sanau od!!!! Bydd y neges mae’r ymgyrch yma yn ei gyfleu yn cael ei drafod yn ystod gweithgareddau yn y dosbarth ac yn ein gwasanaeth ysgol gyfan. Dilynwch y linc isod am fwy o wybodaeth am Wythnos Gwrth-Fwlio. Diolch am eich cyd-weithrediad.
To raise awareness of Anti-Bullying week, we are asking all pupils to come to school wearing odd socks this Wednesday, November 14th. The children are still expected to wear their school uniform but with odd socks!! The message that this campaign will convey will be discussed during activities in class and whole school assembly. Follow the link below for more information about Anti-Bullying week. Thank-you for your co-operation.
Anti-Bullying Week | Anti-Bullying Alliance We have developed primary and secondary school packs which include lesson and assembly plans, cross curricular ideas, films to show and other resources to help bring Anti-Bullying Week to life. |