Ymddiheuriadau am y post diwethaf gyda’r rhifau ym mhobman – roedd problem gyda’r ap. Apologies for the last post with numbers everywhere – there was a problem with the app!
Rhai pethau pwysig / Some important points
Ymddiheuriadau ond ni fyddwn yn gallu newid llyfrau darllen wythnos yma oherwydd mae mwyafrif o’n llyfrau dal mewn bocsys yn y llyfrgell. Gobeithiwn gael trefn erbyn wythnos nesaf. Sorry but we won’t be able to change reading books this week because most of our books are still in boxes in the library. We hope to be able to change them next week.
NID OES NEB (plant na rhieni) i ddod ar droed nac mewn car ar dir yr ysgol drwy y giat ganol sy’n arwain at y maes parcio.
NO ONE (children nor parents) are to come on foot or by car on to the school grounds through the middle gate leading to the car park.
Dydy amser cinio yr Adran Iau ddim yn cychwyn tan 12.15, ac weithiau mae’n 12.30 ar rai plant yn cael cinio. Mae llawer o blant yn cwyno fod nhw eisiau bwyd erbyn hyn, felly cofiwch fod croeso i chi yrru snapyn o ffrwythau neu lysiau gyda nhw i’r ysgol iddynt fwyta amser chwarae. Junior lunchtime does not start until 12.15, and sometimes it is 12.30 on some children having lunch. Many children complain that they are hungry, so remember that you are welcome to send a snack of fruit or vegetables with them to school for them to eat at playtime.
Cofiwch hefyd yrru potel ddwr gyda eich plentyn i’r ysgol. Also, remember to send a water bottle with your child to school.
Bydd Clybiau yn ail ddechrau wythnos nesaf.
Clubs will re-start next week.
Mae pawb wedi setlo’n dda yn eu dosbarthiadau newydd a byddwn yn rhannu lluniau gyda chi yn fuan.
Everyone has settled well into their new classes and we will be sharing pictures with you soon.