Apologies – ENGLISH version only at the moment. 

  • The school with be open tomorrow (March 23rd) for the childrenof critical workers. Ysgol Glanrafon staff will provide carefor the pupils – we will not beconducting educational lessons.
  • We need to emphasize once again that this provision is available for pupils of parents who have been identified as critical workers(see list attached).To access this care eitherboth parentsneed to be identified as critical workers or asingle parentmust be a critical worker. 
  • Parents need to keep their children at home where possible – the school will only be open for the childrenwho’sparents haveno other option. 
  • High risk pupils, e.g. children who suffer from asthma, should not come to school unlessABSOLUTELY necessary.
  • Parentswill need to sign their children in and out of school. Parents will be expected to state theirjob (both parents’ jobs if the child doesn’t come from a single parent family) on this form. If pupils will be travelling on school transport, parents need to e-mail the school beforehand with details of parents’ work.
  • If it is possible to reduce the time that the childrenof critical workers spend atschoolwe encourage you to do so. A child should not spend the full day/ every day at school if it isn’tabsolutely necessary. This will minimize social contact for pupils and staff. 
  • The school will be open from 8am to 5.30pm(which includes the Breakfast Club and After School Club). Meithrin +will also be open.
  • The pupils will be in two age groups –Under 7s/KS2.
  • A free school meal will be provided for every child.
  • A snack will be provided for the Under 7s Unit’s pupils. KS2 pupils may bring their own snack. NO NUTS please.
  • The pupils will need to bring a drink to school.
  • School uniform isoptionalbut they will need comfortable clothing and trainers for outside activities.
  • The childrendo notneed to bring anyschool workor reading books toschool.
  • We would like parents to use our online system,School Comms,to reserve a space for the pupils. If you haven’t used the system in the past to book theafter schoolclubwe will send the information home imminently.This will give us an idea of the numbers and will help us with staffing arrangements. 
  • If you are worriedabout the above or anythingelseplease remember to e-mail the schoolWe are monitoring the e-mails regularly during the weekend.