Gofynnwn yn garedig i’r disgyblion ddod â throwsys / leggings du i’r ysgol mewn bag ar gyfer ymarfer gwisgoedd sioe Y Llew Frenin fydd yn cael ei gynnal brynhawn Llun. Fe fyddwn yn eu cadw yn yr ysgol wedyn tan y perfformiad olaf ar y nos Fercher. Llawer o ddiolch i chi. 🦁
We kindly ask that pupils bring black leggings / trousers to school in a bag for the dress rehearsal of Y Llew Frenin which will be held on Monday afternoon. We will then keep them in school until the last performance on the Wednesday evening. Many thanks. 🦁
We kindly ask that pupils bring black leggings / trousers to school in a bag for the dress rehearsal of Y Llew Frenin which will be held on Monday afternoon. We will then keep them in school until the last performance on the Wednesday evening. Many thanks. 🦁