All pob disgybl Blwyddyn 5 a 6 ddod i’r ysgol yfory ar gyfer y Treiatholon yn gwisgo eu dillad nofio dan eu dillad Addysg Gorfforol. A hefyd i ddod â dillad hamdden i wisgo ar ôl y Treiatholon. Yn anffodus fel a pwysleisiwyd yn y llythyr a aeth allan i chi gan y Trefnwyr, ni fydd rhieni’n cael dod i wylio. Diolch
Can all Year 5 and 6 pupils come to school tomorrow for the Triathlon wearing their Swim wear under their P.E clothes. And can they please bring Leisure wear for after the Triathlon. Unfortunately, as emphasised in the letter that went out from the Organizers, parents will not be allowed to come and watch. Thank you