Cadarnhau manylion :-
Cychwyn o’r ysgol am 1 o’r gloch pnawn fory felly caiff y plant ginio yn ysgol cyn cychwyn. Gwisgo dillad cyfforddus ar gyfer y siwrne – caiff y plant wisgo rhain i ddod i’r ysgol bore fory. Arian poced – hyd at £5. Diod a snac/snacs ar gyfer y siwrne. Dim sach gysgu ond angen tywel. Dillad hamdden ar gyfer y ffilmio a dillad sbâr i newid iddynt rhag ofn i’r plant wlychu. Byddwn yn cadw newn cysylltiad â chi drwy’r app o ran amser cyrraedd yn ôl ar y D Mawrth, ond dylai fod rhwng 5 a 6. Os gwelwch yn dda dewch i gyfarfod eich plentyn wrth y giât waelod. Os oes unrhyw broblem, cysylltwch â’r ysgol bore fory.
Confirm arrangements :-
We will be leaving school at 1 ‘o clock tomorrow therefore the children will have lunch before we leave. Children to wear comfortable clothing for journey – they can come to school in these tomorrow morning. Pocket money – up to £5. Drink and a snack/snacks for the journey. Leisure wear for the studio and a spare set of clothing incase they get wet We will be keeping you informed of our journey on the way home on Tuesday but estimated time of arrival should be between 5 and 6. Please meet us at the bottom gate. If there are any problems, please contact the school in the morning.