Cymorth / Help

Fel y gwyddoch, bydd yr Adran Iau yn symud mewn i’r estyniad syth ar ol hanner tymor – bydd mwy o fanylion am hyn i ddilyn.  Rydym yn y broses rwan o bacio ac angen gwagu holl ddosbarthiadau presennol yr Adran Iau erbyn Dydd Gwener yma. Rydym yn cadw ychydig o’r dodrefn ac mae llawer wedi mynd i ysgolion eraill o fewn y Sir. Rydym rwan yn gallu cynnig y gweddill i gymdeithasau ac elusennau lleol os oes gennych unrhyw gysylltiadau neu i chi fel rhieni os fedrwch wneud defnydd ohonynt.  Hoffwn bwysleisio yma fod angen i chi gasglu yr eitemau eich hun a fod hyn ar risg eich hun. 
Dros y dyddiau nesaf, byddwn yn postio lluniau o ddodrefn sydd gennym dros ben. Os ydych eisiau nhw, ebostiwch Mrs Huws [email protected] cyn gynted a phosib. Cyntaf i’r felin fydd hi o ran pwy fydd yn cael y dodrefn. Hefyd, os oes rhai rhieni fodlon gwirfoddoli i helpu ni i gael gwared o ddodrefn Dydd Gwener yma (hynny yw mynd a nhw i’r sgip ond ar risg eich hun) gadewch i Mrs Huws wybod. 
As you all know, the Junior Department will be moving into the new extension straight after half term – more information about this is to follow. We are now in the process of packing and need to empty all the Junior classes by this Friday. We are keeping some of the furniture and some items are going to other schools within the County. We are now in a position to be able to offer the rest of the furniture to local organizations and charities if you know of any, or to you as parents if you can make use of them. We must point out here that all items need to be collected by yourselves from school and this is done at your own risk.   
Over the next few days, we will be posting pictures of furniture that has not been taken. If you would like anything, please email Mrs Huws [email protected] asap. The items will be given on a first come first serve basis, Also, if there are any parents whom are willing to help us get rid of furniture (as in maybe take them to the skip at your own risk) on Friday, please let Mrs Huws know.