Mae nifer fawr o blatiau wedi dod i’r ysgol a mae nhw werth i’w gweld!!!! Os oes unrhyw un wedi anghofio gyrru ei plât heddiw, cofiwch wneud peth cyntaf bore fory cyn iddynt gael ei beirniadu. Mrs Nesta Gibson, un o gyn athrawon yr ysgol fydd yn beirniadu y gystadleuaeth. Hoffwn ddiolch eto hefyd i gwmni KTL Contracting Ltd am noddi’r gystadleuaeth ac am drefnu yr holl wobrau gwych. Erbyn hyn mae yna 10 gwobr ar gyfer y plant o fewn pob adran addysgu. Mae hi’n ddiwrnod coch, gwyn a gwyrdd fory a caiff y plant wisgo unrhyw un o’r lliwiau yna i’r ysgol. Hefyd, cofiwch am ein raffl – cyfle olaf i brynu tocyn fory. Dyma rhai o blant Bl 5 a 6 yn arddangos rhai o’r gwobrau. Hoffwn ddiolch i chi gyd am eich cefnogaeth yn ystod yr wythnos – rydym wir yn gwerthfawrogi!!!
We have received a number of plates for our competition and they are all fantastic and worth seeing. If anyone has forgot to send in their plate today, you are welcome to bring them tomorrow morning before they are judged. Mrs Nesta Gibson, a former teacher at the school will be adjudicating the plates. Again, we would also like to thank KTL Contracting Ltd for sponsoring the competition and arranging the fantastic prizes. By now, there are 10 prizes to be won within each department.
We are having our red, white and green day tomorrow and the pupils can come to school wearing any of those three colous. Also, remember about the raffle. Here are some of the prizes!!! Can we thank you all for your support during this week – we are very grateful to you all!!