Caiff y disgyblion ddod i’r ysgol wedi’u gwisgo fel corrach neu unrhyw wisg Nadoligaidd Dydd Gwener yma, Rhagfyr 6ed. Os y dymunir, gall y disgyblion roi cyfraniad tuag at Elusen Alzheimers am gael gwneud hynny. Prif bwrpas y diwrnod yw i godi ymwybyddiaeth pawb o Alzheimers, gan mai hon yw ein helusen ddewisiedig am eleni. Mae manylion pellach am y diwrnod ar gael wrth ddilyn y linc isod.
It is the Alzheimer’s Society Elf Day next week and the pupils are welcome to come school dressed as elves or any other Christmas outfit. If they so wish, the pupils can give a contribution towards the Alzheimers charity for doing so. The main aim of the day is to raise awareness of Azheimers, as this is our chosen charity for this year. Further information regarding the day is available by following the link below. []<> Elf Day | Alzheimer’s Society<> Fundraise for Alzheimer’s Society this festive season by taking part in Elf Day. Spread some festive cheer by dressing up at work, school or out in the community. Sign up today to get started with your free Elf Day fundraising kit.