Gwaith ar gyfer disgyblion / Work for pupils

Sylweddolwn fod y cyfnod yma yn un ansicr a phryderus i bawb. Byddwn yn dechrau gyrru gwaith adref gyda’r disgyblion heddiw rhag ofn i ni orfod cau a hynny ar fyr-rybudd. Hefyd, bydd awgrymiadau ar gyfer amserlen/strwythur diwrnod os yw eich plentyn adref.  Ar gyfer y disgyblion sy’n absennol, mae croeso i chwi wneud trefniadau i nôl gwaith eich plentyn o’r brif fynedfa ddiwedd y prynhawn heddiw, neu fedrwn yrru gwaith eich plentyn gyda rhywun arall. Os hynny, mae croeso i chi ffonio/ebostio’r ysgol neu eich athro/athrawes i drefnu. Byddwn hefyd yn gyrru lincs ar gyfer gweithgareddau i chi drwy’r app a drwy ebost ar gyfer disgyblion Yr Adran Iau. Byddai’n syniad petai disgyblion Yr Adran Iau yn gofalu fod nhw yn gallu cael mynediad i’w cyfrif Hwb adref. Unrhyw broblem, cysylltwch a’r ysgol. 

Hoffwn gadarnhau fod yr ysgol dal ar agor ar hyn o bryd.


We totally understand that this is a very uncertain and anxious time. We will be beginning to send some work home with your child today in case we will have to close the school and may have to at short notice. We will also be sending an idea  of a timetable/structure for the pupils if they are at home. For the pupils that are absent, you are more than welcome to make arrangements to come and collect work at the main entrance at the end of the day today, or we could send work home with the other pupils. Please phone or email school/teachers to make arrangements. We will also be sending links to activities etc on the app and also through email to the Juniors Department. It would be a good idea now to check that pupils from the Juniors Department can access their Hwb accounts from home. Any problems, again please email us.

We would like to confirm that the school is still open at this present time.