At rieni Uned y Blynyddoedd Cynnar (Meithrin a Derbyn) – To the parents of the Early Years Unit (Nursery and Reception)
Mae Mabolgampau Uned y Blynyddoedd Cynnar oedd i’w gynnal bore fory, Iau, Mehefin 13eg WEDI’I OHIRIO oherwydd y tywydd gwlyb eithriadol.
Hyd nes y gwyddom beth fydd rhagolygon y tywydd, ni allwn gynnig dyddiad arall ar hyn o bryd. Byddwn yn eich hysbysu pan fydd wedi’i ail drefnu.
The Early Years Unit’s Sports to be held tomorrow morning, Thursday, June 13th. has been POSTPONED due to the exceptionally wet weather.
Until we know what the weather forecast will be, we can not offer an alternative date at present. You will be notified when we have re-arranged the date.