Permits Parcio / Parking Permits

Os hoffech dderbyn permit parcio, mae Swyddfa’r Ysgol (y brif fynedfa newydd o’r maes parcio) ar agor tan 3.30 heddiw, neu gallech ddod i’r Swyddfa fory i ofyn am un. Dim ond 50 permit sydd ar hyn o bryd, felly cyntaf i’r felin, ond gobeithiwn gael mwy. Os hoffech i ni gadw un i chi, a wnewch chi ebostio [email protected] ac fe yrrwn ni un adref efo’ch plentyn fory.

If you would like to receive a parking permit, the School Office (the new main entrance from the car park) is open until 3.30 today, or you could come to the Office tomorrow to get one. There are only 50 permits at present, so first come, first served, but we hopefully can get more. If you would like us to keep one for you, please email [email protected] and we will send one home with your child tomorrow.

Diolch yn fawr. 

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