Dylai pob oedolyn wisgo gorchudd wyneb wrth ollwng, casglu disgyblion neu ymweld â’r ysgol.
Hefyd, cofiwch ddilyn y system un ffordd ar y llwybr tuag at y Brif Fynedfa os gwelwch yn dda.
Pasiwch y negeseuon pwysig yma ymlaen i unrhyw un sy’n gollwng neu casglu disgyblion o’r ysgol os gwelwch yn dda.
Mae’n bwysig bod pawb yn cadw at y canllawiau hyn i helpu i atal COVID-19 rhag lledaenu.
All adults should wear a face covering when dropping off, picking up pupils or visiting school.
Also, please follow the one way system on the path towards the main entrance please.
Please pass this message on to anyone who is dropping off or picking up pupils from the school.
It’s important that everyone sticks to these guidelines to help stop the spread of COVID-19.