Rydym wedi cael negesuon gan rhai rhieni yn mynegi pryder gan nad yw RM Easimaths yn gweithio’n llwyddiannus i’ch plentyn/plant adref ar hyn o bryd. Rydym wedi ymwchilio mewn i’r mater a gweler y wybodaeth bwysig isod sy’n cynnwys linc i chi fel rhieni ddilyn am gymorth. (Ymddiheuriadau fod yr ebost gan y cwmni yn uniaith Saesneg). Gobeithio y bydd hyn yn egluro ac yn datrys rhai problemau i chi adref. Os ydych dal i gael problemau, gadewch i athro/athrawes eich plentyn wybod os gwelwch yn dda.
It has come to our attention that some children are having problems logging into RM Easimaths at home. We have looked into the matter and please see the important information below which consists of a link for you as parents to follow for support. This hopefully will explain and resolve some issues at home. If you are still having problems, please let your child’s class teacher know.
Dear Customer, |
We have launched a new version of RM Easimaths in 2021, replacing the existing version which was built with Flash – a technology that Adobe have removed since December 2020. |
The new version of RM Easimaths has been launched as a Beta version. As a Beta version, users may spot some issues. |
Some users are still using the Easimaths App (iPad and Android) to access RM Easimaths. Sadly, as part of this new development these apps will no longer work and we advise uninstalling them from your devices. The good news is that the new version will work on all devices including Windows, Mac, Android tablets and iPads via a Google Chrome browser by navigating to www.rmeasimaths.com. We will be adding support for other browsers (Microsoft Edge, Safari and Firefox) shortly. |
We have created a Parent Page at http://help.rmeasimaths.com/parent_page. We will keep this page up to date with any changes. |
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience as we work on releasing a best-ever version of RM Easimaths this year. |