Gofynnir i chi roi eli haul ar groen eich plant yn y bore cyn iddynt ddod i’r ysgol – ond gall y rhai hŷn roi’r eli eu hunain yn yr ysgol. Mae’n bwysig hefyd bod y plant yn dod â het a sbectol haul efo nhw pan fo’r tywydd ar ei boethaf. Cofiwch roi enw’ch plentyn/plant ar eitemau o’r fath os gwelwch yn dda,
You are asked to rub sun tan lotion on your child’s skin in the morning before coming to school – the older pupils can do so themselves in school. It is also important that the children bring a hat and a pair of sun glasses with them when the weather is at its hottest. Please label such items with your child/ren’s name/s: end