Mae disgyblion yr Adran Iau wedi bod yn dysgu am wyl grefyddol Hanukkah yn ystod yr hanner tymor. Yfory bydd y disgyblion yn cael bwyta toesenni fel rhan o’u gwersi addysg grefyddol. Os nad ydych yn hapus i’ch plentyn fwyta’r toesenni neu os oes gan eich plentyn alergedd, a wnewch chi gysylltu gydag athro dosbarth eich plentyn os gwelwch yn dda. Pupils from Key Stage 2 have been learning about Hanukkah, the religious festival, during the half term. Tomorrow the pupils will be eating doughnuts as a part of their religious education lessons. If you are not happy for your child to eat the doughnuts or if your child has an allergy, please contact their class teacher to let them know.