Fel y nodwyd, byddwn ar agor FORY, 19.03.20.
Awgrymwn serch hynny nad yw’n ddoeth i unrhyw un sydd oddi mewn i’r categoriau a nodir yn yr Atodiad hwn ddod i’r ysgol o hyn ymlaen.
As was previously stated, school will be open TOMORROW, 19.03.20.
We suggest that those who fall within the categories listed in the Attachment do not come to school from now on.
O.N/P.S. Gall unrhyw un nad yw wedi derbyn gwaith i’r plant ddod i’w gasglu ar ol 3.15 p.m. heddiw.
Anyone who has not received the work for their children can come to pick it up after 3.15 p.m. today.