Enillwyr y pwyntiau Dojos / Winners of the Class Dojos


Dosbarth Mr Gareth Jones sydd wedi ennill y nifer mwyaf o bwyntiau Dojos mis yma.

Fel gwobr, gall y plant o’r dosbarth yna ddod i’r ysgol fory yn eu pyjamas/onesies a hefyd dod a slipars/esgidiau cyfforddus gyda nhw i wisgo yn y dosbarth.  Fe fydd pawb arall yn eu gwisg ysgol fory felly bydd plant dosbarth Mr Gareth Jones yn blant lwcus iawn!!!!


Mr Jones’ class has won the class with the most dojo points for this half term.

As a prize and treat, the children can come to school tomorrow wearing pyjamas/onesies and also bring their slippers/comfortable shoes to wear in class.  Remember – everyone else will be in school uniform so they are very lucky children!!!!