Mae’n amlwg fod cryn ddryswch ynglyn a phwy sy’n cael eu hystyried yn weithwyr allweddol ar hyn o bryd. Mae’r canllawiau o’r Awdurdod Lleol yn nodi fod yr ysgol yn cynnig darpariaeth i blant rhieni sy’n ystyried eu hunain i fod yn weithwyr allweddol tan y byddwn wedi derbyn gwybodaeth bellach gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Hoffwn bwysleisio eto mai’r disgwyl ydi os oes modd gofalu am blentyn yn y cartref yn ddiogel yna dyna ddylai ddigwydd gan mai bwriad cau ysgolion yw i leihau cyswllt cymdeithasol.
It is apparent that there is some confusion regarding who are considered vital workers. The guidelines from the Local Authority state that the school will provide provision for the children of parents who identify themselves as vital workers until we receive further information from the Welsh Government.
We would like to emphasise once again that the expectation is that any child who can be safely cared for at home should be and that it is in exceptional circumstances that they will need to access this provision as the purpose of the school closure is to reduce social contact.