Os ydych wedi archebu lle drwy Schol Comms ar gyfer eich plentyn i fynd i’r Hwb Gofal Plant ar gyfer y mis nesaf, os gwelwch yn dda, ac wnewch chi ebostio ni fel ysgol hefyd er mwyn cadarnhau ac i nodi os oes gan eich plentyn unrhyw alergeddau. Mae hyn hefyd yn hynod o bwysig gan fod rhaid i ni yrru ffurflenni pwysig i chi gofrestru eich plentyn ar gyfer y gofal.
If you have booked a place for your child for the Childcare Hub over the next month through School Comms, please make sure that you also email the school to confirm and also to note if your child has any allergies. This is also extremely important so that we can send registration documents through to yourselves as well.