Mae’r system ar gyfer archebu lle i’ch plentyn ar Schoolcomms yn gweithio’n dda, ond rydym yn ERFYN ARNOCH os gwelwch yn dda, i adael i ni wybod mor fuan â phosib os yw eich trefniadau yn newid a nid ydych angen y diwrnod penodol yna. Rydym yn ceisio ein gorau i leihau y nifer o staff sydd yn yr ysgol er llês y plant a’u teuluoedd ac er llês ein staff a’u teuluoedd nhw hefyd. Cofiwch fedrwch ebostio’r ysgol unrhyw awr o’r dydd (gan fod gennym myediad i ebost yr ysgol adref ar hyn o bryd) neu ffonio’r ysgol rhwng 8 a 5.30. Mae y neges yma MOR BWYSIG a gofynnwn am pob cydweithrediad er mwyn osgoi trefniadau di-angen.
Mae y Sir wrthi ar hyn o bryd yn gwneud trefniadau gofal plant ar gyfer wythnos nesaf, a byddwn yn rhannu y wybodaeth terfynol gyda chi pan ddaw atom. Hoffwn bwysleisio unwaith eto fod y ddarpariaeth yma ar gael i ddisgyblion gyda’u rhieni yn weithwyr allweddol YN UNIG. Os am gael mynediad i’r gofal hwn mae’n rhaid i unai y ddau riant fod yn weithwyr allweddol neu i riant sengl fod yn weithiwr allweddol.
Yn olaf, hoffwn ddiolch yn fawr iawn i chi am eich negeseuon caredig drwy ebost dros yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Rydym wedi ei rhannu gyda staff yr ysgol, a mae pob un ohonynt yn gwerthfawrogi eich cefnogaeth.
The system of booking your child into school via the Schoolcomms system is working well, but we please CAN’T EMPHASIZE ENOUGH how vital it is to let us know if your arrangements change and you do not need that particular day for childcare. We are doing our best under the circumstances to reduce the number of staff whom are at school, and that mainly to protect the children and their families, but also the staff and their families as well. Please remember that you can email school at any time of day (as we have access to email at home at present) or phone the school between 8 and 5.30. This message is so IMPORTANT and we ask for you co-operation so that unnecessary arrangements can be avoided.
Childcare arrangements are being made for next week, and we will share these with you as soon as they are finalized. I would like to emphasize once again that this provision is only available for pupils of parents who have been identified as critical workers ONLY. To access this care either both parents need to be identified as critical workers or a single parent must be a critical worker.
Lastly, can we thank you all for the kind messages we have been sent through email over the past week. They have been shared with staff and they very much appreciate all of your support.