Am resymau allan o’n rheolaeth, mae’n rhaid gohirio y sesiynau byw ar gyfer bore yfory. Mae hyn oherwydd problemau technegol o fewn yr ysgol a ni fedrwn warantu bydd y We yn gweithio i ni yn anffodus. Mae hyn yn effeithio dosbarth Mrs Catrin Morris, Mrs Catrin Tudur a Mrs Lisa Davies. Bydd yr athrawon yn cysylltu gyda chi fel rhieni drwy ebost i geisio ail-drefnu. Mae’n wir ddrwg gennym am hyn gan ein bod yn gwybod faint mae’r plant a’r staff yn mwynhau y sesiynau. Gobeithio fydd pob dim wedi ei sortio ar gyfer y sesiynau pnawn fory.
For reasons beyond our control, we will have to cancel the live sessions that was organized for tomorrow morning. This is due to technical problems at school and we cannot guarantee that the Internet will be working. This affects three classes – Mrs Catrin Morris’ class, Mrs Catrin Tudur’s class and Mrs Lisa Davies’ class. The teachers will be in contact through email with the relevant parents to try and re-arrange. We do apologise for this as we know how much the children and staff enjoy the sessions. We hope that everything will have been resolved by the afternoon sessions.
Diolch yn fawr.