Annwyl rieni/Dear parents,
Os y bydd eich plentyn/plant yn mynychu’r Disgo Hwyl Hydref bnawn fory, Iau, Hydref 26ain. bydd y trefniadau fel a ganlyn:
- Caiff y disgyblion ddod i’r ysgol yn eu dillad parti/gwisg ffansi yn y bore i arbed gorfod newid yn yr ysgol cyn mynd.
- Bydd y plant yn cael eu harwain i’r disgo gan yr athrawon am 3 p.m. – cofiwch na fydd Clwb Pêl droed bnawn Iau yma.
- Am 3.55 p.m., bydd y disgo yn dod i ben i’r disgyblion hyn, a bydd y plant yn mynd yn ôl i’w dosbarthiadau cofrestru.
- Gofynnir i chi ddod i gasglu’r plant wrth y mynedfeydd am 4 p.m. yn union fel y gwnewch ar ddiwedd y dydd – naill ai’r giat neu ddrws y Babanod (i’r disgyblion Derbyn nad oes ganddynt frawd neu chwaer ym Mlwyddyn 1 a 2).
- Nid oes angen i’r plant ddod ag unrhyw arian ychwanegol efo nhw gan fod pris y tocyn yn cynnwys y mynediad a lluniaeth ysgafn.
Mawr obeithir y gwnaiff y disgyblion hyn fwynhau y disgo, a diolchir i Bwyllgor y Ffrindiau am drefnu ar eu cyfer fel hyn.
If your child/ren is/are staying for the Autumn Fun Disco tomorrow afternoon, Thursday, October 26th., the arrangements will be as follows:
- The pupils can come to school in the morning in their party clothes/fancy dress to avoid having to change at the end of the day before going to the disco.
- The pupils will be led to the dicso by the teachers at 3 p.m. – remember that there will be no Football Club this coming Thursday afternoon.
- At 3.55 p.m., the disco will come to an end for these pupils, and the children will be going back to their registration classes.
- You are then asked to come to collect the children at 4 p.m. from the usual entrances as you do at the end of the day – either by the gate or the Infants door (for the Reception pupils who do not have a brother or sister in Years 1 and 2).
- The children do not need to bring any additional money with them as the ticket includes both the admission and light refreshments.
It is sincerely hoped that the pupils will enjoy the disco, and the Friends of Glanrafon committee is thanked for organising such an event for the pupils.
Yn gywir/Yours sincerely,
Ll.M.Jones (Miss)
(Prifathrawes – Headmistress)