Testun llawenydd i ni oedd cael neges oddi wrth y DJ oedd yn gyfrifol am y disgo bnawn ddoe sef ei fod wedi dotio at ymddygiad disgyblion Ysgol Glanrafon ac at yr ysgol yn gyffredinol, ac mai hwn oedd un o’r digwyddiadau gorau yr oedd wedi bod yn rhan ohono.
Hefyd, hoffwn rannu llun o’r dosbarth buddugol o ran y pwyntiau Dojos – Da iawn dosbarth Mrs Fernandes!!
Bydd rhai disgyblion hefyd yn cael syrpreis wythnos nesaf wrth iddynt dderbyn cerdyn post arbennig o’r ysgol i’w canmol am eu gwaith. Mae’r athrawon dosbarth wedi dewis un plentyn o bob dosbarth. Tybed pwy fydd yn derbyn un o’r cardiau post yma?
Mwynhewch gwyliau’r hanner tymor ac fe welwn ni chi Dydd Llun, Tachwedd 6ed!!!!
It is with pleasure that we quote from a message received from the DJ in charge of the disco yesterday afternoon saying that he was very impressed with the behaviour of our children and of the school in general – he said it was one of the best discos he’d done.
We would also like to share with you a photo of Mrs Fernandes’ class celebrating the fact that they have won the class with the most dojo points this half term.
Some pupils will also get a nice surprise in the post next week when they receive a special praise postcard through the post. Each class teacher has chosen one pupil from each class to receive a postcard. We are looking forward to seeing whom are the pupils that have received one.
We hope you have a nice half term and we will see you back in school on Monday, November 6th.